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- Time is TBDSingaporeTime is TBDSingapore, 15 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119245Time is TBDSingapore, 15 Kent Ridge Dr, Singapore 119245如何构建可持续发展路线图 可持续性现在已成为经济发展的重要事项。如何有效地由知到行,使自己成为领跑者,抓住后疫情时代的新机遇? “引领商业可持续转型”项目解决的就是这种“知行合一”的困境,通过可持续发展的视角带您历经完整的商业转型之旅。该项目将帮助您了解可持续发展的原因、方式和内容,使您能够构建可持续的商业模式,从而为您所在的组织和整个社会提供未来保障。 无论您是正努力从林林总总的概念中理解可持续发展对商业的意义,还是在制定可持续发展路线图和战略,通过参与该项目,您将为可持续商业转型制定出清晰路线图,并为推动业务增长重新树立目标。
about us
Nanyang ESS Institute is incorporated in Singapore in 2022. Our vision is to strive for the equal opportunity of obtaining the world-class education and training for each.
Annie is a highly experienced teacher with over 26 years of teaching experience. She is known for her patient and caring approach and specializes in teaching Chinese and English to foreign students. With certification in teaching students with learning disabilities, Annie is adept at adapting teaching strategies to meet the unique needs of her students. her guidance.
Ricky ng
An experienced veteran in education industry in Singapore for more than 20 years. He has witnessed the development of Singapore's education system since 1990's. He is involved in many projects in the Private Education Institution (PEI) industry in Singapore. He was ever acting as director and counsellor of many PEIs.
How I Can Help You
$ 80 per sessionStarted Jan 1, 1970
SGD 120 per hourStarted Jan 1, 1970
SGD 120 per hourLoading days...
340 Singapore dollarsLoading days...
3 hr 30 min
378 Singapore dollars1 hr 30 min
120 Singapore dollars1 hr
100 Singapore dollarsLoading days...
90 Singapore dollars1 hr
70 Singapore dollars1 hr
80 Singapore dollars1 hr 30 min
120 Singapore dollars2 hr
300 Singapore dollarsLoading days...